Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Deepak Chopra on the essence of life, god, longevity and spirituality

What according to you is the key to healing process?

    The healing process occurs when there is restoration of homeostasis and self regulation in the body. The body has a natural tendency to do this. Techniques such as meditation which quiets the mind, the giving and receiving of love which causes limbic regulation, yogic processes that train a person to consciously influence autonomic function, therapeutic massage, sensory modulation, the taking of natural supplements such as adaptgens are some of the key elements involved in the healing process.

You talk of spiritual awareness often in your books. What is it and how can a person achieve it?

    Spirituality is a domain of awareness where we go beyond our skin encapsulated ego and experience our universality. It can be achieved through Being (Raja yoga), Feeling (Bhakti yoga), Thinking (Gyana yoga), and Doing (Karma yoga).

What was the transition from being a medical practitioner to becoming an author of several books like? Do you still practise medicine?

    I extended my notion of healing from physical to mental to spiritual to environmental in that order. My books are about healing in the broadest context; the restoration of balance in the eco system. I maintain my license to practice medicine in Massachusetts and California and I occasionally consult with other physicians and also see patients. .

You have written a book "How to know God." Please tell us briefly what is your interpretation of God?

God is our highest instinct to know ourselves. God is a field of infinite possibilities. God is the source of all the energy, information, space time and matter in the universe. In my view, the idea of God as a person is a projection of the human imagination. God being infinite can not be imagined. As soon as you imagine anything, you limit it. Therefore, all religious attempts to personify God are examples of the best that collective human imagination can achieve. Even though God can not be imagined, God can be experienced in the state of pure consciousness.

What exactly is a mantra? Is there a universal mantra that one can practice for overall attainment and fulfilment?

A mantra is an instrument of the mind that allows you to go beyond the mind and experience the transcendent. There are many traditions and many kinds of mantra practice. The best use of mantra is to quieten the mind. This is done through bija or seed mantras. To expect a mantra to give you overall attainment and fulfilment in life is unrealistic. It is one of many tools in spiritual practice.

What are the benefits of meditation on the mind and the body? How should it be practised?

Meditation quietens both the mind and body and allows natural self regulation to emerge. Meditation is also effective in allowing spiritual qualities to unfold. These include insight, intuition, the empowerment of intention, imagination, creativity, and conscious choice making. Regular meditation also causes a shift in internal identity to silent witness to knower, to a more universal domain of awareness. There are various kinds of meditation practices, including vipassana, mindfulness, moving meditations and of course, the practice of mantra.

How do you access the power of love in well being of a person?

In order to experience love and well being, a person has to be natural, radiating a simple unaffected humanity, and willing to respond to the gestures of love around him/her. One must be willing to expose one's vulnerability, and be willing to surrender and embrace ambiguity, contradiction and paradox. As long as there is a need to control, manipulate, cajole, convince, insist, beg or seduce, love is not possible.

According to you "Quantum Healing looks past all the wonder drugs and modern technology to a natural way of healing which speaks to an integration of mind and body." Please explain.

Quantum Healing is biological creativity and involves a nine step process.

  1. Intended outcome.
  2. Information gathering.
  3. Information analysis
  4. Incubation
  5. Insight
  6. Inspiration
  7. Implementation
  8. Integration
  9. Incarnation

It is a learned process.

How do get rid of stress, anxiety and attain true happiness?

Meditation, laughter, massage, visualization, sleep, sex, exercise, yoga, breathing, music, dance, crying are a few ways to alleviate stress. Happiness occurs when you reframe problems as opportunities and you make other people happy. However, existential unhappiness can only be addressed through spiritual practice.

What is a typical day in your life like? Does it start with a meditation?

My day starts with meditation and exercise. Otherwise there is no such thing as a typical day. I go with the flow.

What is your inspiration?

Just Being.

Your advice to our readers.

Take it easy. There is nothing to hold on to or cling to, and there is no one to do the clinging.

By Nikki Rattan

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